How To Modify A Rabbit Hutch Should I Put An Insect Inside A Rabbit's Cage?

Should I put an insect inside a rabbit's cage? - how to modify a rabbit hutch

OMG OMG I have so many questions of rabbit meat from the acquisition of a rabbit recently. I can not take care of my rabbits, busy almost all day to be there. However, I offer my business rabbits.

I never thought to buy a rabbit, but I read that these problems can be) cause (including land. So have I, if I can not put a bug in the cage for the rabbit wonder so alone.

What insect (s) would be appropriate? An insect that can fly, is certainly not in question. So, no mosquitoes and bees. How about a cockroach? Though it can fly a cockroach, I can not fly by the wings with a knife or other devices. While rabbits and cockroaches living in the same cage, maybe share something to eat, socialize, and win friends in general. Of course, I am struck by the lack of intelligence of insects.


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